金融翻訳者の日記/A Translator's Ledger



機械翻訳は映画製作に似ている/Machine Translation Is Similar to Filmmaking: Humans and Machines as Directors and Actors

機械翻訳(「AIを使った翻訳)を映画にたとえると、英日(外国語→母語)翻訳での僕は監督兼主役。機械は助監督またはアシスタント。日英(母語→外国語)翻訳での僕は監督。機械は役者。 英日では自分が主体的に作品をつくっていく。日英では役者に演技をさせ…

「AI・機械翻訳」の意味/ The Ambiguity of "AI & Machine Translation"(2024年3月19日)

「AI・機械翻訳」という言葉を見たり、聞いたり、読んだりするとき、それが (1)「AI・機械が出力した翻訳」という意味なのか、 (2)「『AI・機械が出力した翻訳』」を利用した翻訳という意味なのかがはっきりしないで使われている印象を受ける。 4月の…

A Potential Shift in the Global Standard for Translation Directions(March 9, 2024)

Traditionally, the global standard for translation has been converting foreign languages into one's native language. I understand this approach is predominantly due to the richer vocabulary available in one's native language for expressing…


今日仕事中に思いついた生成AIに関する感想をメモ風に。 ①生成AIは、自分は持っていたはずだが使えなかった表現上の引き出しを開けてくれる。引き出しがそもそもないと意味がないけど。 ②翻訳者である僕にとって生成AI(英和では翻訳チェックに使っています…

DeepLはゴール、ChatGPTはスタート地点/DeepL: The Goal, ChatGPT: The Starting Point (2024年1月31日)

Facebookの去年の今日にこういう書き込みをしていた。 「DeepLは、今のレベルでは翻訳には使えないが、翻訳チェックには役立つという印象」 たった1年前だが、当時は、いわゆる機械翻訳(ここでは英日翻訳を前提にしている)が翻訳に使える日ははるか彼方だ…

AI翻訳ツールの使い方/How to Use AI Translation Tools(2024年1月30日)

勉強会のお仲間(大学教員が3名いらっしゃいます)や翻訳仲間と話していて、皆さんに共通している「誤解」として痛感したこと。 DeepLをはじめとする「機械翻訳ツール」を、原文を入力したら翻訳が出力される、一往復限りの機械翻訳ツールとしてとらえている…

1122= “Good Couple’s Day.”

For over five years, the task of washing dishes after dinner has been my quiet contribution to our daily life. Last night unfolded like this. As I was washing the dishes, my wife was alongside me, drying and storing away the cleaned items.…

ChatGPT and Contemporary Translation(as of October 23rd, 2023)

Chat-GPT-4 is a cutting-edge AI tool that has become essential for English learners, especially for Japanese individuals aiming to overcome their linguistic barriers. It assists users in understanding English at a native level when transla…

Dialing Up Opportunity: How an Unsolicited Call Turned into Work

Today, I received an unsolicited phone call (which I playfully refer to as "Tamaden", a term I use to mean "an order received by a random('tamatama"in Japanese) phone call") from a foreigner. She mentioned finding my contact details in a …

Echoes of Childhood in the Dark: Observations in Nishi-Kasai, Tokyo

Recently, my wife, who often takes evening walks, observed two distinct characteristics about the Indian children playing in our local park between 5 and 7 pm: All of them are engaged in activities like soccer, cricket, jump rope, or using…

Translating with Chat-GPT: Revelations and Reflections

Typically, I jot down spontaneous thoughts on Facebook without revisions. I see it as an exercise in impromptu writing. Later, I sometimes transfer these musings to my blog for posterity – a practice I've maintained for the past 2-3 years.…

Chat-GPT in Translation:Taming the Capricious Thoroughbred

While Chat-GPT is a remarkable tool for translators, it's much like riding a finicky thoroughbred. If ridden with care and precision, it delivers an outstanding performance. However, one misstep, and you might find yourself facing unexpect…

A Fresh Perspective: The New Scale

"Honey, isn't there something odd about this scale?" Having replaced our 15-year-old scale because it broke, my wife, after weighing herself several times, posed this question. "Hmm, not sure. I did notice my body fat percentage was a bit …

AI and Bias: A New Perspective on Shogi(Japanese chess)

Recently, I encountered a statement from a professional shogi player, suggesting that AI proposes moves humans wouldn't consider. Although I'm not deeply familiar with shogi, I understand that there exist traditional "bad moves" embedded i…

Beyond Code: The Human Nuance in Chat-GPT Interactions

Chat-GPT is flexible, which inherently increases its chance of making errors. When I mention "errors", it's essential to understand that human judgments have ranges and nuances. Depending on where we focus or how we fill these gaps, someth…

I Asked Chat GPT About the Difference Between 'Sadness' and 'Sorrow'

(This blog post is a translation of the Japanese blog attached below.) When I asked Chat-GPT-4 about the difference between "sadness" and "sorrow," the English version provided a detailed answer, particularly with illustrative examples. Th…

Chat GPT:A Contextual Reverse Dictionary

In translating foreign languages, searching for the native equivalent of a term using Chat GPT offers a distinct advantage over traditional search methods or dictionary look-ups. With Chat GPT, you not only input the term you want to trans…

Beyond Accuracy: Chat-GPT's Capability in Validating Content in Industrial Translation

When employing Chat-GPT for quality control in industrial translation, we can ensure the translation's accuracy and fluency in relation to the original text, and also independently assess the veracity of the content itself. This second cap…

Chat GPT: Redefining Task Delegation and Efficiency

If one delegates tasks they personally used to handle to Chat GPT, it's likely their proficiency in that area might decline. After all, that's the inherent nature of tools. However, if they transfer tasks they previously entrusted to other…

Chat GPT: The AI Chatbot That Lets You Be Yourself

You can ask Chat GPT, an AI chatbot, whatever silly or rude questions you have, and it will answer sincerely. It won’t get angry even if you ask the same question over and over again, or if you use any impolite or offensive language. You c…

A Close Encounter with the Unknown: An Unexpected Exchange

Yesterday evening, while on a walk, I came across a little girl, about three years old, crying as she walked alone. Not seeing anyone nearby, I approached her gently and inquired, "What's wrong? Have you lost your mother?" To my surprise, …

ChatGPT: The Answer Lies During the Process - an Invigorating Wall (August 30, 2023)

Sometimes, the correct response is not found in a single reply from ChatGPT, but rather, it emerges during the engaging and exploratory interaction with ChatGPT. Dialogue offers discovery and new perspectives, even if the partner is a mach…

Using ChatGPT: In Essence, It's Like... (August 1, 2023)

In essence, engaging with ChatGPT resembles visiting a government office where you meet a different expert each time. While they are all highly skilled, you can't refer back to what a previous individual said; that part you must understand…

A Hobby or a Job? You Decide.

Earlier this morning in my home: "Darling, breakfast is ready!" "What? Already? But it's just 7 AM!" Usually, our family eats between 8:30 and 9 AM. "But don't forget, we have plans to see the movies and eat Chinese food near the theater. …

Adjusting My Work Schedule for a Distinguished Online English Teacher

I've been taking online English lessons from a teacher, let's call him Mr. B, who is an outstanding instructor at school K. Ordinarily, he teaches Political Economy at a local high school in English, and his proficiency is close to that of…

The Risks of Encouraging Freelance Industrial Translation as a Career Goal (as of July 7, 2023)

In this era, where the advent of ChatGPT has blurred the very definition of "what is a translator's job?", it's irresponsible to encourage those who aren't translators yet to become professional industry translators or freelance industry t…

Prompts for GPT-4 for Translation Checking (As of July 5, 2023)

(Note) The following commentary was was initially composed in Japanese and then translated into English, on translation from English to Japanese. While the discussion is primarily about translation from English to Japanese, the insights co…

Inquiry to Chat GPT-3.5 Regarding the Response Limit of Chat GPT-4 as of 8 AM on July 4, 2023 (Japan Time)

Regarding the response limit of ChatGPT (25 times in 3 hours), the following exchange was conducted. It's a question for GPT-3.5, but since it's about Chat GPT, it should be applicable to GPT-3.5 as well (presumably). For your reference. (…

A Decree from My Wife

When I went to the living room at lunchtime, I found that my wife had closed the windows. "I'm turning on the air conditioning," she said."Oh, really? Is it that hot?" I wondered. "It's hot. I've had the air conditioning on since morning,"…

My Son's Bonus day

Yesterday was my son's bonus payday. Shortly after starting his job, he excitedly exclaimed, "I got it!" In response, I enthusiastically said, "Great job!" His bashful giggle was the perfect reaction. By evening, he was not at home, so I a…