金融翻訳者の日記/A Translator's Ledger


DeepLはゴール、ChatGPTはスタート地点/DeepL: The Goal, ChatGPT: The Starting Point (2024年1月31日)




今はどうか?DeepLは確かに訳された日本語を通して一部チェックはできる。これに対してChatGPTは、難しい英語はTranslatable Englishで言い換えさせることができるので、英語でどう理解すればよいかがわかる。たとえて言えば、DeepLはゴールであるのに対し、ChatGPTはスタート地点なのだ。最後の日本語にする部分を自分の仕事にすればよいので役割分担が可能である。つまり日本語にする直前までをChatGPTが担い、最後の日本語にする部分を僕が行う。日本語によっては別の表現を提案させることもできる。ここがDeepLとChatGPTの決定的な違いだと思う。


 I found myself posting this on Facebook exactly a year ago today:

"DeepL, at its current level, is not usable for translations, but it can be useful for checking translations."

Just a year ago, I believed that the era when so-called machine translation—specifically thinking of translations done by Japanese translators from English to Japanese—would be viable for professional use was far in the distant future. At that time, although I was aware of ChatGPT, its capabilities and significance were still somewhat unclear to me..

How about now? Indeed, using DeepL, I can perform checks on translations to a certain extent through the translated Japanese. In contrast, ChatGPT can be used to rephrase difficult English into Translatable English, helping me understand how it should be interpreted in English. To put it metaphorically, while DeepL is the goal, ChatGPT represents the starting point. Then, I can take over the task of converting the final output into Japanese, allowing for a division of labor. In other words, ChatGPT can handle everything up to the point just before the translation into Japanese, and I can take care of the final Japanese translation. It is also possible to ask for alternative expressions depending on the Japanese used. I believe this is a decisive difference between DeepL and ChatGPT.

Therefore, I can use ChatGPT as my extremely capable assistant.
