金融翻訳者の日記/A Translator's Ledger


「AI・機械翻訳」の意味/ The Ambiguity of "AI & Machine Translation"(2024年3月19日)






When we come across the phrase "AI & Machine Translation," there is often ambiguity about whether it refers to:

  1. Translations produced directly by AI and machines, or
  2. Human-generated translations that leverage translations produced by AI and machines.

In the process of preparing for an April webinar and reviewing my previous blog posts, I realized that my use of the term had primarily aligned with the second interpretation. I must admit, however, this was a detail I had not fully considered until recently.

It is evident that the first refers to output directly generated by machines, while the second pertains to translations refined or completed by humans, leveraging initial outputs produced by AI and machines. Moving forward, I intend to be more conscious of this distinction.