金融翻訳者の日記/A Translator's Ledger


Beyond Code: The Human Nuance in Chat-GPT Interactions

Chat-GPT is flexible, which inherently increases its chance of making errors.

When I mention "errors", it's essential to understand that human judgments have ranges and nuances. Depending on where we focus or how we fill these gaps, something might be considered an "error."

In translation, a short sentence might be interpreted as either A or B. Often, it's the broader context that determines it should be A.

When I've queried, "Isn't this interpretation B rather than A?" Chat-GPT has occasionally responded, "You're right."

I've encountered several such instances recently. Of course, the reverse also happens where I misunderstand, and Chat-GPT often correctly points it out. There are times when it doesn't, and upon asking, it might reply, "I apologize. I missed that detail," adjusting its response.

While its responses seem human-like and endearing, it further emphasizes that Chat-GPT isn't infallible. It can't be used as an ultimate reference, resembling a dictionary. It is, at best, an excellent assistant.