金融翻訳者の日記/A Translator's Ledger








New Doors, The Third Eye, and The Second and Third Arrows: Reflections on Generative AI

During my workday today, a few reflective thoughts on generative AI crystallized, noted here in a memo style for intellectual business professionals.

  1.  Generative AI seems to unlock the expressive capabilities I presumed were within me but remained inaccessible. This unlocking is contingent on having these 'drawers' of expression in the first place; without them, the exercise is futile.
  2. For me, a translator utilizing generative AI (specifically for English-to-Japanese translation checks), its most significant advantage lies in serving as an 'external eye.' While the accuracy of AI's suggestions is undoubtedly important, in the realm of English-Japanese translation, I find it crucial to assess and interpret AI's responses with a critical eye. This external perspective is, I've come to realize, far more valuable.
  3. In interviews, it's often said that the questions following the initial inquiry—"the second and third arrows"—are of greater importance. I believe the same principle applies to the use of generative AI. Beyond the initial prompt, it's the subsequent, more probing interactions that seem to edge us closer to the correct answers.