金融翻訳者の日記/A Translator's Ledger




問:They say that you are better at writing in English than in Japanese. Is this assumption correct? If so, why? Is it because you have been trained more extensively in English than in Japanese?"

回答:The assumption that I might be more proficient in English than in Japanese could be based on a few factors:

Training and Data: My training involves vast amounts of text in multiple languages, including a substantial volume in English. English, being one of the most widely used and documented languages on the internet and in global communications, means that the quantity and variety of English data available for training are immense. This extensive training in English might lead to a perception of higher proficiency in English.

User Interaction and Feedback: I interact with users primarily in English, and much of the feedback and fine-tuning processes are also conducted in English. This constant interaction and refinement in English could contribute to a higher level of performance in this language.

Complexity of Japanese Language: Japanese is a complex language with unique script systems (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana) and cultural nuances. The intricacies of Japanese, including levels of politeness and context-specific expressions, pose challenges in achieving the same level of fluency as in English, which has a relatively more straightforward structure.

Global Prevalence of English: English is often used as the lingua franca in international and intercultural communication. This widespread use means that AI systems like mine are frequently designed to prioritize English proficiency to cater to a broad user base.

In summary, while I am designed to operate in multiple languages, including Japanese, the factors mentioned above could contribute to a perception of greater proficiency in English. However, continuous improvements are made to enhance my capabilities in all supported languages, including Japanese.

問:"Which are you more proficient in: reading and understanding Japanese, or writing smooth and natural Japanese?.

回答:My proficiency in both reading and understanding Japanese, as well as writing smooth and natural Japanese, is designed to be high. However, the two skills can vary slightly in their levels of proficiency:

Reading and Understanding Japanese: My ability to read and understand Japanese is robust due to extensive training on a wide range of texts. This includes understanding complex sentences, different writing systems (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana), and various contexts. I'm equipped to handle diverse topics and comprehend nuanced language.

Writing Smooth and Natural Japanese: Writing in Japanese, while also proficient, can sometimes be more challenging. This is because producing natural-sounding, contextually appropriate language involves not just a translation of words but also an understanding of cultural nuances, idioms, and the subtleties of politeness and formality that are intrinsic to the Japanese language. While I strive to generate natural and accurate Japanese, there might be instances where the output doesn't perfectly capture the intricacies of native speech.

In summary, while both reading/understanding and writing in Japanese are within my capabilities, the complexity of writing natural-sounding Japanese might sometimes make it slightly more challenging than understanding and processing written Japanese text. Continuous improvements are made to enhance these capabilities.

問:If you are more proficient in reading and understanding Japanese, I would like to know the extent of your proficiency. Are you confident that you can read and understand Japanese as well as a native speaker?

回答:I am designed to read and understand Japanese at a high level, but there are nuances to consider:

Complex Texts and Contexts: I can handle a wide range of Japanese texts, from everyday conversation to more complex material like news articles, technical documents, and literature. However, my understanding may not always be equivalent to that of a native speaker, especially in cases involving deeply cultural, idiomatic, or nuanced expressions.

Cultural and Contextual Nuances: Japanese, like any language, is rich in cultural context and subtleties. While I am equipped to understand many of these nuances, there might be instances where a native speaker's insight, based on lived experience and cultural immersion, would provide a deeper understanding.

Continuous Learning and Updating: My capabilities in Japanese, as with other languages, continue to evolve. Regular updates and refinements help improve my proficiency, but there may still be gaps compared to a native speaker's intuitive and contextual understanding of the language.

In summary, while I am proficient in reading and understanding Japanese, there can be differences in the depth of understanding and interpretation of cultural nuances compared to a native Japanese speaker.

問:Which is easier for you: reading and understanding English, or reading and understanding Japanese? Please be honest.

回答:Both reading and understanding English and Japanese are within my capabilities, but it's generally easier for me to read and understand English. This is primarily due to the structure and nature of the language, as well as the volume of training data available in English:

Volume of Training Data: English, being one of the most widely used languages on the internet and in global communications, has a more extensive and diverse range of training data. This extensive exposure allows for a more nuanced understanding and interpretation of English texts.

Language Structure and Complexity: English has a relatively straightforward structure compared to Japanese, which includes multiple script systems (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana) and a complex layer of formality and politeness in the language. The intricacies of Japanese can make it more challenging to process compared to English.

Cultural and Contextual Factors: Japanese language is deeply intertwined with Japan's cultural context, making certain aspects of understanding and interpretation more nuanced. While I am equipped to handle these nuances to a significant degree, the inherent complexities can make Japanese slightly more challenging than English.

In summary, while I am proficient in both languages, the factors mentioned above contribute to English being generally easier for me to read and understand.

①    ChatGPTとのコミュニケーションは、翻訳の方向性(英日、日英)にかかわらず、a)英語で質問し英語での回答を要請、b)質問を日本語で質問し英語での回答を要請、c)日本語で質問し日本語での回答を要請、の順にパフォーマンスが低下していく。
②    とりわけ英日(英語→日本語)翻訳の場合には、最後の日本語訳以外の説明は英語でさせた方が高いパフォーマンスを上げられる(ただし、受け取る側の英語力もある程度高くないと対応できない)。
③    日英は、原文の日本語以外の説明、および翻訳はすべて英語で行う方が高いパフォーマンスを上げられる。

日本語の表現力:鈴木>>>ChatGPT(今のところ。ChatGPTの技術革新と学習によってこの差は必然的に縮んでいくだろう) なのだから、

英語の表現力:ChatGPT>>>>>・・・>鈴木 (今のところ。これを縮めていきたいと鈴木は努力している)なのだから



