金融翻訳者の日記/A Translator's Ledger




自らの恥をさらしますが、以下は僕がほぼ2日に1回やっているトレーニングのプロンプトと回答の例。なお〇〇〇としている部分には固有名詞が入ります。Walk in her shoesはチャリティーキャンペーン

プロンプト:Correct my English.   Yesterday, I translated the "〇〇〇", checked the terms list for the monthly report prepared by ▽▽isan, and signed up for  the "Walk in her shoes."  So now I finished trivial things  I had been concened for the last several days.  I also started to write the report on two important essays on generative AIs.  

ChatGPT:Your English is quite clear, but there are a few areas where it can be improved for accuracy and fluency. Here's a corrected version of your text with explanations:

Original: " Yesterday, I translated the "〇〇〇", checked the terms list for the monthly report prepared by ▽▽san, and signed up for  the "Walk in her shoes."  So now I finished trivial things  I had been concened for the last several days.  I also started to write the report on two important essays on generative AIs.  ."

Corrected: "Yesterday, I translated the"〇〇〇"', reviewed the terms list for the monthly report prepared by ▽▽-san, and signed up for 'Walk in Her Shoes.' Thus, I have now finished the trivial tasks that had been concerning me for the past several days. I also began writing a report on two important essays about generative AIs."

1."checked" to "reviewed": "Review" might be more appropriate than "check" in this context, as it implies a thorough examination.
"2.”〇〇san" to "〇〇-san": In English, Japanese names are often written with a hyphen separating the honorific suffix.
3. "for the 'Walk in her shoes.'" to "for 'Walk in Her Shoes.'":Capitalize the title properly and remove the unnecessary "the" before the name of the event.
4. "So now I finished trivial things I had been concened for the last several days." to "Thus, I have now finished the trivial tasks that had been concerning me for the past several days.": "Thus" is a more formal transition, and using "have now finished" is grammatically correct in this context. "Tasks" is a more suitable word than "things" for professional activities. The phrase "that had been concerning me" is more grammatically correct.
5. "I also started to write the report on two important essays on generative AIs." to "I also began writing a report on two important essays about generative AIs.": "Began writing" flows more naturally than "started to write," and "about" is typically used before the subject of essays.

Keep practicing, Tatsuya! Your English is progressing well.

Construct an English sentence of around 20 words at TOEIC level of 990 on any recent subject regarding table tennis in Japan, and repeat it 15 times. Also correct this prompt before answering.

Your prompt is quite clear, but I'll make a small adjustment for clarity and correctness:

"Construct an English sentence of about 20 words at a TOEIC level of 990 on any recent subject regarding table tennis in Japan, and repeat it 15 times. Also, please correct this prompt before answering."

Now, I'll repeat this sentence 15 times:

1. "Mima Ito, a prominent Japanese table tennis player, recently won the international championship, showcasing exceptional skill and dedication."
2."Mima Ito, a prominent Japanese table tennis player, recently won the international championship, showcasing exceptional skill and dedication."



レーニング2は、最初の2~3回程度は音声を聞いて意味をつかみ、3回目ぐらいから書き出す。話題はその時に思いついたこと。今日はたまたま全日本卓球選手権が開催されているのでtable tennisとしたまでです。7~8回目までに書き終わり、9~10回目ぐらいで自分の英文を確認した後はシャドウイング。その際はなるべく「音声に一歩先んじる」つまり、ChatGPTの音声が僕のシャドウイングをしている感じになるよう心掛けています。

レーニング1のCorrect my English.と書き始めてから、シャドウイングの音声15回繰り返しが終わるまででちょうど15分です。1日おきにやっています。もう3カ月ぐらい続けています。

