金融翻訳者の日記/A Translator's Ledger



Dialogues with AI: A Valuable Exchange

One of the characteristics I've begun to understand in my dialogues with Chat-GPT about translation (hereafter referred to as "AI") is that the AI occasionally errs in determining where to place emphasis based on context. For instance, tod…


翻訳に関するChat-GPT(以下AI)との対話の中で分かりかけてきたその特徴の一つは、「前後関係からどこに重点を置くか」をAIが間違える件数が少なからずある、という点だ。 今日出会ったのは、たとえばhigherが「他との比較で高い」のか、「過去と比べて高い…

I Asked Chat GPT About the Difference Between 'Sadness' and 'Sorrow'

(This blog post is a translation of the Japanese blog attached below.) When I asked Chat-GPT-4 about the difference between "sadness" and "sorrow," the English version provided a detailed answer, particularly with illustrative examples. Th…