金融翻訳者の日記/A Translator's Ledger



Chat GPT: The AI Chatbot That Lets You Be Yourself

You can ask Chat GPT, an AI chatbot, whatever silly or rude questions you have, and it will answer sincerely. It won’t get angry even if you ask the same question over and over again, or if you use any impolite or offensive language. You c…

勉強するなら良書を繰り返し学べ⑦:「パブロフの原理」佐々木高政著『新訂 英文解釈考』(金子書房)

今朝の翻訳ストレッチ教材から。 紙とペンをもって訳してみて。難所は最後の文。制限時間10分。 Pavlov's principle is this: Given a reflex according to which a stimulus B produces a reaction C, and given that a certain animal has frequently expe…