金融翻訳者の日記/A Translator's Ledger



Family Feast on Father's Day

Yesterday, my family of three (my eldest son was absent due to some errands) dined at Royal Host, one of the premier family restaurant chains in Japan. It had been a decade since we last had a family meal at a family restaurant, or specifi…


昨日は家族3人(長男は所要で欠席)でロイヤルホストで食事会。ロイヤルホスト、というかファミレスで家族の食事会は10年ぶりだったが、食事が終わると次男が「ではここは僕が払います」と伝票を取った。「え、なんで?」「だって、父の日じゃん」。 ここ数…

My Experience with ChatGPT (GPT-4): An Update as of June 19, 2023

June 16, 2023I have been using ChatGPT3.5, partly as an experiment, but it was so busy yesterday that the results were slow to be output, so I obtained my wife's permission and decided to join the paid version of ChatGPT (GPT-4). June 17, …